The extreme polarization in America as well as in our expanding global society has reached a crisis, the essence of which pits intellect vs. ignorance.

The Legitimization of Ignorance continues…


Ineptly and irresponsibly responding to a pandemic, open support for hate groups, cozying up to vicious dictators while alienating allies and so many more offenses against rationality and civility; reason would dictate a blue wave drowning Donald Trump and the Republican Party he dominates. Yet, even in losing, over 73 million Americans voted for him as Republicans appear to have held the Senate, retained state legislatures and gained seats in the House. What happened?

The ultimate conflict

This was far from a normal year and even further from a normal election. It was not simply liberal versus conservative or Republican versus Democrat, but unity versus divisiveness; ability versus incompetence; sanity versus absurdity. After decades of anti-intellectualism on the national stage, much of the electorate was ripe to be taken in by an egotistic charlatan.

There are the hate groups to whom Trump has made a direct appeal. Many religious fundamentalists too are eager to dance with the devil to advance their agenda. Most Americans however, are good people with positive values whose primary desire is to do the best for their families and communities. How could they be taken in by someone so crass; whose narcissism so transparent?

Anti-science, anti-reason

After generations of anti-science, anti-reason indoctrination, the damage to the American psyche has produced the thriving phenomenon of Donald Trump and his agenda of mayhem. Stoked by falsehoods heightening fears brought on by the pandemic, economic hardship and civil unrest, an atmosphere of panic has permeated those conditioned to distrust science and disregard reason. Lack of comprehension creates fear which, with prodding and peer support, induces anger. The image of the tough guy familiar to all from the schoolyard, defying authority, protecting his followers from the demonic bureaucrats in their high towers beyond their reach and understanding. They hang on his words, supported by mistruths and manipulation from media devoid of rebuttal; a false idol leading his minions through the fantasy world of Planet Trump.


Upon his election as President during the darkest days of the Great Depression, Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “The only thing to fear is fear itself.” Put aside the fear and work to solve the problems we face together. And people united behind him and tangible solutions he espoused.

But in addition to the tension already generated by the even greater polarization created by Trump’s inflammatory words and actions, a pandemic, a crisis unknown to anyone alive today, destroying lives and livings, people turn to their comfort zone, the guy they knew from the schoolyard, rather than the science they don’t comprehend or the government they don’t trust.

To their polar opposites, those dependent on reason, the concept of Donald Trump, his lack of plan or solutions; his undermining of constitutional law; is indeed enormously frightening.  

There is no balance (see Balance). Polarization has reached the extreme with tension wreaking havoc on nervous systems as each side is terrified of the other.


In the ‘60’s it was often noted that for a democracy to work in the best interest of the people, it is vital to have an educated electorate. Shouldn’t everyone understand the responsibilities as well as the limitations of government?

Solutions are obvious to a reasonable person. First of all, of course, the Biden administration must be able to quell the virus and build back the economy; focusing on providing help on the local level.

Improve quality of life for all with a more equitable balance between people and big money.

Reenact the Fairness Doctrine, providing equal time for opposing opinions on TV and radio, allowing the desperate need to curb lies and misconceptions.

Don’t be divisive; don’t give up!

Progressives must not be divisive in these times of extreme polarization. Rather, be patient and not give up the ideals as did so many of their forebears of the ‘60’s. If so, the time will come for society to once again take those promised leaps forward too long forsaken.

Most people see only what is in front of them. To convince them a policy works they must see results. So many hated Obama care until they realized that they were supporting the elimination of their health care.


We are but one species of life on this planet. Others might have similar emotions but it is our advanced ability to reason, use science and keep an open mind that makes us unique. Progress is built on our ability to use reason rather than surrender to our emotions.

The presidency of Donald Trump has been an inconceivable blot on this nation; a focal point of the problems in the world today. As he pouts and refuses to transition, Americans are dying and national security compromised. His refusal to accept election results and concede further illustrate his lack of respect for our nation, its people and for democracy itself.

The removal of Donald Trump from the presidency is a victory for reason. Yet other aspects of the election serve to preserve the continuing dysfunction.


Can Joe Biden lead us out of bedlam and set the table for a new, more equitable path?


January 6, 2021 is the culmination of EVENTS DESCRIBED IN

The Legitimization of Ignorance

The most important questions one can ask are why and how.



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